Fairport Central School District

Providing a safe, supportive environment free from violence, harassment, bullying or discrimination for students is our number one priority in the Fairport Central School District. There are occasionally times when students, parents or community members would like to provide information to a school but hesitate. The Fairport Central School District now offers the Safe School Helpline, a 24-hour confidential reporting service to help in these circumstances. This is another method to provide input to help make our schools even more safe.

The Safe School Helpline is a convenient way to report concerns about unsafe or potentially disruptive activities or situations including drug or alcohol abuse, weapons, harassment, bullying, threats, possible suicide or any other safety issue.

The Safe School Helpline can be accessed via several methods:
(1) Call 1-800-4-1-VOICE ext. 359 (1-800-418-6423 ext. 359)
(2) Visit www.safeschoolhelpline.com
(3) Text TIPS to 66746
(4) Download the “Safe School Helpline” app in the App Store or Google Play

The Safe School Helpline utilizes a unique, automated telephone service which allows callers to report a concern 24 hours a day, confidentially and anonymously if they choose. The voice message is typed and then emailed to school officials. In this way, no one other than the service operator hears the voice. Each call is assigned a case number. The caller can call back to the helpline to check progress on the call or to provide more information.

A letter from Superintendent Brett Provezano, Safe School Helpline brochures and magnets have been sent home with students. Posters have also been placed in school hallways and classrooms. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school.

Fairport Central School District is committed to providing a safe environment for students and staff members. Our community’s support in this matter is appreciated. As always, please remember, “If you see something, say something!”