Fairport Central School District

UPDATE ON JAN. 31: The Community Group Budget Meeting is canceled due to weather conditions.

Fairport community members have opportunities to provide input on the upcoming 2019-20 budget development process. Residents are encouraged to attend the the Community Group Budget Meeting on Thursday, Jan. 31 at 7 p.m. in the Minerva DeLand LGI.

Superintendent Brett Provenzano and Assistant Superintendent for Business Matthew Stevens will share preliminary information about the 2019-20 budget process, and this session will offer a time for community members to provide feedback about the budget during this Community Group Budget Meeting.

The 2019-20 Annual Budget Vote & Board Elections will be on Tuesday, May 21 from 6 a.m to 9 p.m. in the Johanna Perrin Middle School Gymnasium.

For more information about the budget-planning process, visit fairport.org/budget.