Fairport Central School District

Weather in the Rochester area is unpredictable and, at times, extreme. The decision to close schools based on forecast weather is not an easy one, as the district’s commitment to educate students comes second only to keeping students and staff safe.

Low temperatures and deep wind chills are forecast for the region in the coming days. The community and local media are already discussing the possibility of school cancellations.

The National Weather Service issues wind chill advisories and warnings. NWS calculates wind chill based on temperature and wind speed. An advisory is issued when wind chills of -15°F are forecast and warnings when wind chills are projected to be at -25°F or lower. Frostbite can occur at varying intervals dependant upon wind chill, according to the NWS Wind Chill Chart.

School districts annually receive guidance from the Monroe County Health department regarding extreme temperatures. The department’s guidance is based on the NWS standards above. The New York State Education Department does not set standards for school closings based on weather. Each school district makes this decision based on multiple factors including local weather forecasts and student safety.

The science of forecasting weather is complex and the end result often comes in a range of projected temperatures and wind chills. Meteorologists work diligently to forecast what the temperatures may be when transportation to and from school occurs. These projections are often made in advance and may or may not end up being accurate.

With that being said, the district uses all available information when determining if school should be closed. The district does its best to notify parents as soon as possible of a closure. At times, this may be the night prior but is often in the early hours of the morning. Fairport CSD aims to notify parents no later than 6 a.m. on a school morning. An early-morning closure allows FCSD’s staff to check road and facility conditions in real time, as well as updated weather data, prior to making a decision.

Parents registered for SchoolMessenger notifications will be contacted via phone call, text and/or email. If you are not registered for the School Notification System, you can do so through the Parent Portal. Closures will also be posted on the district website homepage, Facebook and Twitter, as well as submitted to local news outlets.

Beginning early Wednesday morning, the district will be checking forecasts, temperatures and wind chills to make a determination regarding school closure due to winter weather and the factors above. Forecasts currently project extreme wind chill conditions in the coming days, especially Thursday. Please be sure to dress students appropriately for the frigid temperatures.