Fairport Central School District

The Fairport Central School District Board of Education voted to adopt the 2018-19 school budget at the Special Meeting of the Board of Education, April 17 at Fairport High School. District administration also presented the budget proposal to the community at the Public Hearing on May 1.

Given the District’s declining enrollment and policy deployment, natural efficiencies will be realized. The budget does include staffing reductions that total the equivalent of 28.25 full time teaching positions and approximately 25 additional positions including paraprofessional, clerical and other areas. Some of these positions will be through attrition and some opportunities may be available through recall.

“While disheartened with these reductions, we have a responsibility to make thoughtful decisions so we can continue to offer meaningful experiences to our current and future students,” said Superintendent Brett Provenzano. “This budget plan allows us to maintain high quality programs for students. Our student-centered experiences and whole-child mindset remain firmly intact.”

Budget highlights include:

  • The $129,015,913 total budget is a 1.56% increase over the prior year’s budget
  • The budget is in compliance with the Property Tax Cap
  • The estimated tax rate is a projected $23.77, a 3.21% increase.
  • The proposed budget includes similar opportunities for students that it has in the past
  • Class sizes will be adjusted slightly in the proposed budget; however remain comparable to Monroe County schools and credible for learning to occur

On the Ballot:

Fairport Central School District

  • Proposed 2018-19 school budget
  • Proposition #1 authorizing FCSD to expend from the Capital Technology Reserve Fund an amount not to exceed $736,000 for the purchase of information technology equipment and supplies
  • Proposition #2 authorizing FCSD to establish a Capital Building Reserve Fund for the purpose of paying the costs associated with future District buildings and facilities projects
  • Two Board of Education members

Fairport Public Library

  • Proposed 2018-19 Public Library budget
  • One Public Library trustee

Residents will vote on this budget Tuesday, May 15 from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Johanna Perrin Middle School. Upcoming events include the Public Hearing on the budget, Tuesday, May 1 and the Meet the Candidates Night, Wednesday, May 2. For more information about the 2018-19 school budget, visit www.fairport.org/budget.

Click here to view the presentation.