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- Hibriten High
- Mr. Henthorne's HomePage
Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Jerry Henthorne
Name: Jerry Edward Henthorne
Birthplace: Columbus, Ohio
Years Taught: 27
Schools York Jr. High - Denver, CO Hudson Middle School - Hudson. NC Hibriten High School - Lenoir, NC
Attended: Ohio University Athens, OH
Upcoming Events
New Events for Mr. Henthorne
All Face to Face and Caldwell Connect Student Assignments Will Be Assigned on Google Classroom. Access Google Classroom by logging onto student Email and use the correct class code to join a class with the codes listed below.
Caldwell Connect American History II with Honors
Caldwell Connect Civics and Economics with Honors
My Schedule
Mr. Jerry Henthorne
Room B-102020 - 2021 School Year
First Semester
1st Period - Civics
2nd Period- American History II
3rd Period - Honors American History II
4th Period - PlanningSecond Semester
1st Period - Planning
2nd Period - American History II
3rd Period - Civics and Economics - Connect
4th Period - Civics and Econ (H)
Class Rules and Expectations
1. Bring all needed materials to class.
2. Be in class ready to start when bell rings.
3. Respect and be polite to all people.
4. Listen and stay seated when others are speaking.
5. Respect other people's property.
6. Keep hands and feet to yourself.
7. No food or drinks in class.
8. All handbook rules are in effect.
9. Remain seated until dismissed.Listen to all announcements.
10. Do not ask to leave class unless it is an emergency .11. No cell phone use or texting in class