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These resources below help with a variety of skills. Some resources help with fluency and phonics, while others help with comprehension.
Read Theory is a website that consists of hand crafted original passages by professional writers and educators. The students will take a pretest in the beginning to determine their reading level. After that, they are able to read the passages and answer the questions on their individual reading level. It is a wonderful tool for your child to practice at home with you. I encourage them to go back and look at the text for their answers and proof.
Math Resources
The math links are here if your child would like extra practice. The videos below are for you and your child to show you what we are learning in class. You can use the videos to see what your child is learning. Your child can also use the videos at home to have a second lesson in the specific skill if they would like to practice more.
Multiplication Songs to Practice Fluency
Directions1. Select the word problem OPERATION.
2. Select the type of PROBLEM.
3. Choose which variable is UNKNOWN.
4. Choose HOW MANY problems to generate.
5. Specify the largest number's RANGE.
6. Click GENERATE to create your problem!