K-12 Payment Center: Important site in which you can pay for lunch, supply fees, field trip fees etc. If you decide to send in cash for payment, it must be exact change, I do not have the ability to make change.
Absence Excuse: You must go through this avenue to gain an excused absence. You also must submit, in writing, a doctors note or notice of absence. For tardies, students must be in the building until at least 11:40 to be counted tardy and not absent.
Educational opportunity: If you will be going on a vacation or educational opportunity you must complete this form to get it excused. This must be completed and submitted at least two weeks prior.
Pictures: We are excited that parents will now be allowed in the building for lunch and volunteer opportunities as well as field trips and we understand that you will want to take pictures. That is fine, but please ensure pictures are only of your child, if there is another child in the picture please refrain from posting on social media without that parents' consent. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you in our building!