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CCS Student Email Accounts &

  • Office 365


    • Go directly to bookmark this site!
    • Your username is your entire email address, ie, for Bart Simpson 123456789, 
      • Username
      • Password:  123456789



    O365 Dashboard


    • Your school email is through Microsoft Office 365
    • Your email address is your Active Directory user name followed by
    • Your password is your student ID
    • Go directly to bookmark this site!
    • Your username is your entire email address, ie, for Bart Simpson 123456789, 
      • Username
      • Password:  123456789
    • If you are unable to login, please ask your teacher to enter a work order that includes your name and student ID.
    • When logging into Office 365 at home, you will be asked for your password.




    Google Suite

    Students have a Google Suite account where all of the services are available except Mail.  Students are not able to receive mail under their Google email accounts.  Please do not enter a Google email account for registration.
Last Modified on February 7, 2022