• Use this guide to determine which student services team member should be consulted for any concerns




    Team Member




    School Counselor: Ms. Crews

    • Academic Development, Career Development, Social and Emotional Support

      • Academic achievement strategies

      • Manage emotions and apply interpersonal skills (Short-Term Strategies)

      • Plan for postsecondary options (higher education,military, work force)

    • 504 Referrals

    • MTSS Referrals

    • Student Check-ins 


    Social Worker: Ms. Glover



    • Three domains; Mental Health, Attendance and Vulnerable Populations.

    • Designated district liaison with our local DHS child welfare department.

    • Primary liaison for students impacted by homelessness.

    • Attendance protocol and adheredness to the CCS Attendance Policy and NC Compulsory Attendance Law.

    • Crisis Intervention.

    • Individual Counseling (Long Term and Short Term).

    • Group Counseling

    • Educate school staff on the connection between school climate and student achievement.

    School Nurse: Nurse Lowder


    • Provides assessments, interventions and follow-up for students and staff.

    • HOSA

    • Immunization Requirements

    • Counsels students with chronic health conditions and mental health issues.

    • Develops individual Health Plans and Emergency Health Plans for students.

    • Provides classroom health instruction to augment teachers.

    • Liason between school/home/communities.

    • Administers medication and/or treatment plans (Train staff)


    College Liaison:Ms. Cook

    • Question about college classes

    • Degree pathways

    • College Placement Testing

    • Credit by Demonstrated Mastery for college level classes.

    Student Wholeness Specialist:.           Mr. Curtis



    • The Student Wholeness Specialist builds strong relationships with students, helping them cultivate core social and emotional learning competencies.  Additinally, the SWS helps de-escalate situations and suypports students in making a successful transition back to the classroom environment.