

Degrees and Certifications:

Parent Information and Student Code of Conduct Handbook/ Manual de Informa

This interactive handbook is intended to provide families with the information needed to navigate the school year from beginning to end. The Student Code of Conduct is the framework for keeping our schools safe with clear expectations.This is a living document, 99% of the information will not change. However, there may be changes  due to revisions in Board policy, state or federal laws. Stop back periodically to stay up to date with the handbook information. Any revisions will be noted below in the document link.
Click the links provided throughout the document for more information.
El manual tiene la intención de proveer a las familias con la información necesaria para navegar el año escolar desde el principio hasta el final. El Código de Conducta Estudiantil es el marco para mantener nuestras escuelas seguras con expectativas claras. 
Posted 8/9/23
Posted 8/9/23
Upon reading the handbook in its entirety and by filling out the Scribbles form, you acknowledge that you have read the entire handbook, including all rules, policies and compacts and understand the (insert school name) expectations for the 2022-2023 school year.
Last Modified on August 16, 2022