Phone: Phone: 704-260-5970


Degrees and Certifications:

Associates of Arts: Paralegal Studies Bachelors of Arts: Spanish Graduate Certificate: Project Management (Legal) Masters of Education: Concentration C&I and ESL

Mr. Gerard (GT) Curtis

I am originally from New Orleans, Louisiana. My family and I relocated to North Carolina following Hurricane Katrina. I received my undergraduate and graduate degrees from Louisiana State University (U.N.O. & LSU-S). 

Although the majority of  my professional career was spent in the legal field as a Paralegal, I found my true passion in 2007, when I decided to "give back to society" by becoming a high school Spanish teacher.

I have taught every level of Spanish. I cater to all learning styles, primarily in Spanish. My objective each day is that my classes are relevant, engaging and fun as I attempt to empower students for college, career and life. I particularly favor "performance based" assessments to measure student growth. 

Since I began teaching, I have received many honors and awards, but my greatest honor as a teacher was in 2019, when the senior class of Cox Mill High School dedicated its "2019 Year Book" to me as their "Most Inspirational" teacher of that year.

Over the last fifteen (15) years, I have focused on, not only teaching Spanish, but also on helping the "whole child."  In August 2022, I began helping students as a Student Wholeness Specialist, in addition to teaching Spanish. As Student Wholeness Specialist, I help students manage their time and anxieties as well as other social and emotional skills.  


Mr. Curtis




    Spanish I & II:  Reading Literacy, Grammar Concepts, Culture & Real World Topics


    (the order of presentation is subject to change)

     La expresión del día y la asistencia / Daily expression and attendance 5 mins.

    Se explica la expresión del día con dibujos / Daily expression explained with pictures. 10 mins.

    Dibujan un dibujo de la expresión del dia. / Draw a picture of the daily expression. 10 mins

    Consejo gramatical del día / Grammar tip of the day 15 mins.

    Actividad gramatical / Grammar activity - 15 mins.

    Grabación de la expression del día / Recording of the daily expression. 5 mins.

    Lectura y grabacion del dia / Daily reading & recording 20 mins:



Important Info.

  • Website is updated periodically, please see CANVAS for daily updates and assignments.
    IV Period- ECHS Spanish I & II
    Office Hours: 10:30 a.m - 10:55 a.m  during "Academic Lab" or "As Needed." 

    Instructional Language Strategies:

     Reading Literacy + Audio Repetition + Language Acquisition using pictures + Cultural Connections + Total Physical Response 

    Grading breakdown:

    Test – 25%

    Quizzes - 25%

    Homework and class participation - 25% 

    Projects - 25%

     Late work:

    All assignments must be submitted on time.

    There will be a 5-point reduction for each day that the assignment is not turned in.

    The reductions will bottom out at 50%.

    No late work will be accepted for the previous unit once the next unit has been started. 

    Wish List:

    Hand sanitizer


    N 95 Face mask

    Bottle water

    Protein bars

    Contact Information:

    1531 Trinity Church Rd / Concord, NC 28027

    704 - 260 - 6780 / 704 260 6789

Last Modified on August 15, 2022