• ECHS Eagle Eye Yearbook


    Click here to order your Yearbook and Senior Ads!! 


    The 2022-2023 yearbook is currently on sale for $50 until November 5th.

    After this date, the price will go up to $60 - so take advantage of early order pricing!


    Recognize your senior with an ad in the yearbook! 


    Senior Ads are also available to purchase and design by clicking here.


    You may upload your pictures and design your ad, or let us do it for you!


    Senior Ad prices are as follows:

    1/8 page - $25

    1/4 page - $50

    1/2 page- $75

    Full page - $100


    Senior Ads are due by January 8th!


    Support the ECHS yearbook with a business ad!   


    Business Ads are available for purchase by clicking here.


    You may upload your logo and design, or let us do it for you!


    Business Ad prices are as follows:

    1/8 page - $25

    1/4 page - $50

    1/2 page- $75

    Full page - $100


    Business Ads are due by January 8th!



Last Modified on September 19, 2022