• Will my child receive a high school diploma?

    Posted by:
    Yes. As a Cabarrus County high school, each student must complete all requirements for high school graduation. Students will receive a traditional high school diploma at graduation.
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  • Who will accept the college credits once I graduate?

    Posted by:
    All of the schools in the University of North Carolina System will accept credits earned at RCCC as long as the student has completed the Core 44 general education requirements.  Students earning less than the Core 44 will have to see which credits are accepted.  Students wanting to attend private or out of state institutions will need to check with those institutions to see what credits will transfer from a NC community college.
    The link to Transfer Navigator on CFNC’s website is extremely helpful.  After you create a login with CFNC, you can search for the courses you have taken at RCCC and select the school you are transferring to.
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  • Are Early College students eligible for scholarships for 4 year colleges and universities?

    Posted by:
    Yes.  Early College students are accepted as Advanced Freshmen which means:
    -They are eligible for all of the same scholarships other seniors are applying for
    -They compete for college admissions as rising freshmen and not as transfer students
    - Socially they are treated as freshmen and have to follow all of the freshmen housing and other policies
    - Academically, their credits transfer and students are taking sophomore and junior level courses
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  • Will there be bus transportation?

    Posted by:
    Yes. Transportation will be provided as it is for traditional high school students.
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  • Do you have a cafeteria?

    Posted by:
    Yes. Cabarrus County Child and Nutrition provides both breakfast and lunch like any other school in the county.
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  • Will Driver’s Education be offered at ECHS?

    Posted by:
    Yes. We have a class each semester that meets before school starts.
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  • Does the Early College follow the same schedule of the traditional high schools?

    Posted by:
    No. Our school day is from 9am-4pm. In addition, our school calendar is different from that of the other Cabarrus County Schools.   We generally start around the first of August and end before Memorial Day. Our different schedule more closely matches that of RCCC.
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  • What are the school hours?

    Posted by:
    9am to 4pm
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  • Can my child participate in extracurricular activities at another high school?

    Posted by:
    No. We do not offer band, sports, or JROTC here at ECHS. Our students are not allowed to go to other schools to participate because ECHS is their home school.
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  • Are there social activities at ECHS?

    Posted by:
    Yes. We have clubs that meet every week during the school day. Some of our clubs are the traditional SGA and Yearbook while others are student initiated like the Debate club. In addition to our clubs, we have 2 dances a year as well as a Prom. At ECHS we take great care to create activities that foster belonging and a family atmosphere.
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  • Can a student transfer to their traditional high school?

    Posted by:
    Students can transfer to the high school they would have attended only at the end of the school year. However, please realize that for every one student selected, two others were not. If a student decides to not stay, their spot cannot be filled and another student lost out on this opportunity.
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  • What is the difference between Early College and Career and College Pathway (CCP) Transfer Pathway?

    Posted by:
    Early College students must start in the 9th grade and begin taking college courses in their 9th grade year.  They have the potential to earn their associates degree and 64 credit hours for college.
    CCP Transfer Pathway students must be junior or senior students who take college classes while at their traditional high school.  They have the potential to earn up to 33 credit hours for college.  For more information on CCP eligibility visit NC Career and College Promise.
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Last Modified on November 10, 2013