Amy Roberts
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    B.A. in Psychology from UNC Charlotte

    M.A. (Specialist) from Western Carolina University

    Nationally Certified School Psychologist

    NC DPI TBI Approved Provider


  • Amy Roberts

    M.A., NCSP

    I am a nationally certified school psychologist in my 20th year of practice. This is my 7th year in Cabarrus County. I am licensed by NC Department of Education as a Traumatic Brain Injury evaluator and a Reconnect for Resiliency trainer. I am also the elementary school psychologist lead and one of the supervisors for school psychology interns in Cabarrus County. My professional interests include working with English learners, cross battery assessment, supporting student's social, emotional and mental health, and helping families with community supports. I love working collaboratively with my SISP team (Specialized Instructional Support Personnel - school counselors, school social workers, school nurses, and school SROs) to help problem solve and support students' needs. When not reading professional articles or books, I enjoy spending time with my husband and boys, being outside, walking on the beach or hiking in the mountains, and traveling with friends and family.

Last Modified on September 15, 2022