• Daily Schedule                   
    7:45- 8:15 Arrival, unpack, morning work 
     8:15 Class Meeting/ Letter Land
    9:00 Reading Mini Lesson 
    (Whole Group)
    9:30 Guided Reading Groups/
    Independent Reading
    10:30-11:20 Connect
    11:40-12:10 Lunch and bathroom break
    12:20-12:50 Recess
    12:55  Science
    1:10 Math Exploration 
    (Whole Group)
    1:35 Math Workshop 
    (Small groups, games, independent work)
    2:25 Personalization
    2:55 Pack-up and stack chairs
    3:00 Begin Dismissal 
    Student Absences   
    For any student that is absent, please fill out the
    absence form online.  This can be found on the HES webpage 
    under the Parent tab.  Educational Opportunity forms must be 
    completed at least five days prior to the days missed. 
    Students who are checked out early will receive a "tardy."
    Anytime a student misses school for a dr appointment, 
    please send the dr note to school (including for early
Last Modified on August 16, 2022