Heather Berger

Phone: 704-782-5912


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Elementary Education- University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown;Masters of Education- Indiana University of Pennsylvania; National Board Certification- Literacy 2008

Mrs. Heather Berger

My name is Heather Berger and this is my nineteenth year teaching and my fourth year at W.R. Odell.  I began my career at A.T. Allen Elementary School.  In August of 2013, I moved to Coltrane Webb Elementary before coming to W.R. Odell in August of 2019.  I am originally from Pennsylvania where I earned my Bachelors in Elementary Education and my Masters Degree in Education with a focus on Literacy.  I am also a National Board certified teacher. In my role here at W.R. Odell I will serve as the MTSS Coach in charge of reviewing individual student's reading and math data to identify areas of need, as well as interventions designed to specifically address those need areas.  
I am excited and thankful to be back in the school building teaching. I am looking forward to a productive year with students!
Last Modified on August 18, 2022