    Welcome to Ms. Kipp's Webpage



Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Adriana "Adri" Kipp

 I joined the Odell family in 2004...
In 2004, my two sons and I moved to North Carolina. I began at Odell Elementary, as a Resource Teacher  or our K-5th students; concentrating on 3rd-5th grade students. For the next 13 years, I had participated co-teaching 3rd-5th grade reading and math with a General Education Teacher in the Inclusion Classrooms as well as serving students in the Resource Classroom.
As a Special Education Teacher, I believe in a well-rounded student;in recognizing a student's strengths as well as supporting academic areas of reading, writing, math, and behavior. Whether the Inclusion or Resource Classroom, students are encouraged to work at their best potential and feel that their teacher has their best interest in the classroom daily.
I have been so proud working with our Odell students, staff, and our parents. I look forward to teaching your child. Here's to a fantastic school year!
Bachelor's Degree in Communicative Disorders, 1996
Master's Degree in Special Education for Certified Teachers, 2019




Last Modified on September 7, 2021