Amazing Grace Advocacy
Amazing Grace Advocacy serves residents in Cabarrus, Rowan and surrounding areas. They are helping families raising children, teens and young adults that have any mental health concerns/diagnosis, brain disorder, autism and intelluctual disability.
Cabarrus County Bullying Report Forms
Parents and students can use this form to report issues that are happening at school.
Coloring Colorado
A bilingual site for educators and families of English Language Learners.
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media is dedicated to help kids thrive in a world of technology and media. They empower parents, teachers and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice and innovative tools to help them harness the power of media and technology as positive forces in all kids' lives. -
Food Allergy Research and Education
This is a great resource for parents and students regarding food allergies.
I am a Digital Citizen
ThingLink created an interactive infograph/poster on digital citizenship. Be sure to hover over the shapes for the interactive elements. -
Mental Health America of Central Carolinas
The Family Support Program in Cabarrus County provides information, support and opportunities that inspire youth with mental health challenges, and teaches their families to advocate for quality services and successful outcomes.
Myths About Gifted Students
The National Association for Gifted Children discusses myths about gifted students.
NAMI North Carolina
NAMI provides support, advocacy for family members and individuals, and education about mental illness. There are also free classes for family members and consumers.
Pacer Kids Against Bullying
Check out the flyer by Pacer Kids Against Bullying. This site has great information for parents and students. -
Parenting with Love and Logic
Raise happy and well-behaved kids with positive, loving tools.
Preventing Youth Suicide
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among school aged youth. Here are tips for parents and educators from the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).
Protecting Your Kids On Social Media
Tips to help your kids safely use any social media service from networking to image posting sites.
Screenagers: Tech Talk Tuesdays
If your child has access to technology (cell phone, tablet, laptop, video tames, etc.), then it is likely that they have a "digital life." It is very important that you are involved and aware of what's going on in their digital life.