-Nelson Mandela "Education is the most powerful tool you can use to change the world"
-Inspiration and Genius-one and the same- Victor Hugo
Educational Philosophy
Education is understood best when played like a chess game.
September 7th: Newsletter
Dailey Schedule
8:40-9:00- Homeroom
9:14-10:17-1st period 7th Grade inclusion
10:17-10:49-2nd period 8th Grade Math resource( knight time)
10:50-11:26-3rd/ 6th grade ELA inclusion
11:26-12:33-8th Grade Math Inclusion (helpful Link) https://youtu.be/8GZsb_Of5IU Transformations
12:35-1:42 3rd /Planning
1:45-2:51 4th reading resource 8th /Inclusion 7th
2:55-3:55 5th 8th Reading inclusion/7th Reading inclusion