Phone: 704-260-6510


Degrees and Certifications:

MA School Administration from Gardner-Webb K-12 Health Specialist from Johnson C. Smith BS Sports Medicine from Canisius College BS Health and Wellness from Buffalo State College

Ms. Sandra Marshall

Family Life Parent Letter

All parents are required to opt-in or opt-out of the Reproductive Health and Safety Unit  this year. Please fill out the form for your student.


Hello and welcome JN Fries 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to Ms. Marshall's Health Class!

I hope you are looking forward to the 2022-2023  school year.  This is a new year and a new journey for all of us, full of possibilities and learning adventures  :)

How to contact me: 

Parents: Email.  This is the best way to get in contact with me. Please allow 24 business hours for a response to your email. 

Students: You can choose to email me through my school email.  Please DO NOT email me through Canvas and always email from your school-issued Outlook email.

Looking forward to a new and exciting school year!
Stay healthy and mindful! :)