Phone: (704) 260-6050


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Larisa Edwards

Welcome to my webpage! I am looking forward to a great 2022-2023 school year!  

This is my 9th year at A.T. Allen as a K-5 EC Structured Learning Teacher.  My husband, daughter and I moved to this area in 2013 and have since added 2 dogs and a guinea pig to our family. My previous teaching experiences include:  lead teacher at a residential medical facility, Psychoeducational Specialist at UNC TEACCH Autism Program and EC teacher in Rowan County Public Schools. When I am not teaching, you will typically find me at the beach and/or spending time with my family.

We are lucky to welcome 2 new experienced teaching assistants this year, Ms. Crystal McPherson and Ms. Crystal Demorla. Our team approach to learning will make each day different, exciting, and fun!!  We believe very strongly that an inclusive education is valuable for all kids. We will spend time in the general education setting with our same age peers to build friendships, practice goals and generalize our communication skills. We will use many programs/strategies to make sure that each student reaches their full potential including: UNIQUE Learning Systems, Structured TEACCHing, Early Literacy Skills Builder, Fundations, LLi, TouchMath, and Story Based Lessons. We adapt materials as needed to help all students progress towards mastery of their individual goals and the Extended Content Standards.

Our main goal is to encourage independence in a nurturing and loving environment. I am happy to be part of the A. T. Allen family and work with such a great group of students, parents and staff! 


7:45 Arrival (Breakfast/Bathroom)

8:00 Morning Routine (Independent Math/Reading Bins)

8:30 Small Group Rotation UNIQUE IEP Math, Reading & Writing              

10:00 UNIQUE Story Based Science/SS 

10:35 Recess

11:05 Garden/Snack/Sensory Stations 

11:30 Rotation (Small Group Word Work and UNIQUE Math) (W - 11:55 APE)

12:35 Lunch

1:10 Sensory Space, Garden &/or Connect

2:00 N2Y Current Events & Real World Math

2:40 Dismissal


Last Modified on March 8, 2023