

Degrees and Certifications:

BA in English | California State University Long Beach MSA in School Administration | University of North Carolina Charlotte EdD in Educational Leadership | University of North Carolina Charlotte

Dr. Meghan Frazier

Welcome Class of 2023! I am anxious and excited to get to know you and begin our journey of learning together in English IV. A little bit about me before we get going on that journey...

I am the perpetual "new kid"! I moved around a great deal as a kid - three schools in 5th grade, two schools in 6th grade, and two schools in 7th grade. You know middle school was not my favorite. We moved from the midwest to out west, and eventually ended up in Florida, where my family still lives. When I met my husband, he moved me Southern California, where I earned my BA in English and Technical Writing from California State University Long Beach. I went on to become a writer for a variety of automotive and motorsports publications, and then decided to become a teacher. I came into the profession as a lateral entry English teacher in 2003. I taught all levels of English as well as Journalism for 11 years before I became a North Carolina Principal Fellow in 2014. I received my MSA from University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 2016 and went into administration for approximately five and a half years. During that time, I worked on my EdD in Educational Leadership at Charlotte and earned my doctorate in 2021. I am excited to be part of the Spider family! 

Away from all things school, I enjoy reading, hiking and traveling with my husband, and anything that has to do with auto racing. My two children are my "why" and they, along with all of you, are at the forefront of my mind when I think about student needs. Cade is currently serving in the US Air Force and Eve is a student at NC State. Go Pack! 

  • 2nd Semester Schedule

    1st Period: English IV (Room 315)

    2nd Period: English IV (Room 315)

    3rd Period: Planning / Instructional Coaching (Room 315)

    4th Period: English IV Honors (B Day) (Room 315)


  • Contact Me!


    Phone:  (704) 260-6000 ext 11315

    I will return your call/email within 24 hours during the week.

  • Parent Survey

  • Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm here to support you!

    All lessons, activities, and assignments will be posted to Canvas. If you would like to "observe" the class, please visit the link HERE. This site will give you instructions on how to join our class. Please let me know if you have any specific questions regarding the lessons, assignments, grading, and Canvas. 


    Thank you!

    Dr. Meghan Frazier