Instructional Technology Class Blog w/ Mr. Tellex

  • Student Ideas and Topics Using a Blog

    Posted by on 3/11/2008 1:03:00 PM
    You have been introduced to a new communication tool that allows you to, not only learn from others, but to teach, share, and respond to others through the use of a blog. I want the students to share with me some of the blog ideas and topics. The blog will be used to collect and share these ideas.

    In your response, please include the following information:
    1. First name only (no email)
    2. Your teacher's name
    3. Specific ideas, questions, and / or topics that you have
    4. (optional) Explain how this would be better than the other ways you might do the same thing

    I truly appreciate your time and opinion! Remember to use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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  • Reflection on the New York State Math Test

    Posted by on 3/4/2008 2:22:00 PM
    You just took two days of math testing as required by New York State. I would like to know what you thought about the test. Remember, this is a response that can be read and responded to by anyone from around the world.

    In your response, please include the following information:
    1. Did you like the Math test? Why?
    2. Was it easy or hard? Why?
    3. What did you like most about the test?
    4. What did you like least about the test?

    I expect this response to be at least 4 sentences long. Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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  • Reflection on the New York State Math Test

    Posted by on 3/4/2008 1:37:00 PM
    You just took two days of math testing as required by New York State. I would like to know what you thought about the test. Remember, this is a response that can be read and responded to by anyone from around the world.

    In your response, please include the following information:
    1. Did you like the Math test? Why?
    2. Was it easy or hard? Why?
    3. What did you like most about the test?
    4. What did you like least about the test?

    I expect this response to be at least 4 sentences long. Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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  • Communicating Through the Use of a Web Log (Blog)

    Posted by on 2/12/2008 1:40:00 PM
    What would be some of the advantages or benefits of placing a message on the internet by using a blog? (Use complete sentences).
    Comments (3)
  • Using a Blog: The "Dangers"

    Posted by on 2/12/2008 1:37:00 PM
    What could be some dangers in posting a comment on a blog? (Use complete sentences).
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