4th Grade
Coming soon for use in 2010 - 2012 (Units to be added periodically)Click on the Content Area below to access curricular links to most / all units.ScienceMathELA
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Iroquois WebQuest
You are a Native American! You are one of the first humans to ever set foot on New York soil. Your tribe has decided to move from Canada into what is now known as New York. You are of the Iroquois Nation. You are the leader of your clan. Along with the other clan leaders you must locate the perfect spot in this new land to set up your village. You must work with the other clan leaders to be sure your village will prosper. -
Crawford Lake (Iroquois Village)
Use this link instead of the Crawford Lake (Iroquois Village) link on the WebQuest site. -
Lots of Iroquois Information
Native American Facts For Kids was written for young people learning about the Iroquois Confederacy for school or home-schooling reports. We encourage students and teachers to visit our main Iroquois pages for in-depth information about the Haudenosaunee tribes, but here are our answers to the questions we are most often asked by children, with Iroquois pictures and links we found suitable for all ages. -
Iroquois WebQuest
As experts in the Iroquois culture, your team has been contracted by the Museum to unravel the mysteries of seven Iroquois artifacts which have recently come into their museum.
All associated files are located below.