Unit 9: How Long Can You Stand on One Foot? (Week 39, 1 Week)
Unit 9: How Long Can You Stand on One Foot? (Data Analysis and Probability)
Essential Questions:
- How do we use the language of statistics to analyze real-life data?
- What data display is appropriate for a given set of data?
- How do you interpret the data you have collected?
Content Learning Targets:
A. Students will represent data
B. Students will describe, summarize and compare data
C. Students will analyze and interpret data
D. Students will design and carry out data investigation
E. Students will describe the probability of an event
F. Students will effectively communicate through oral and written language (D)
Skills Learning Targets:
A1. Use a line plot to represent ordered, numerical data (S)
A2. Represent two sets of data in order to compare them (R)
A3. Consider how well a data representation communicates to an audience
B1. Compare sets of data using the shape and spread of the data (R)
B2. Use medians to compare groups (S)
C1. Develop arguments based on data (R)
C2. Draw conclusions based on data (R)
D1. Design an experiment to answer a question about two groups, objects, or conditions (R)
D2. Develop and carry out consistent procedures for collecting data from an experiment (R)
D3. Record and keep track of a set of data (S)
D4. Perform multiple trials in an experiment (S)
E1. Compare the expected probability of an event with the actual results of repeated trials of that event (R)
E2. Use numbers from 0 to 1 as measures of probability (S)
E3. Determine the fairness of a game based on the probability of winning for each player (R)