3rd Grade Social Studies

  • Click on the unit title below to find resources associated with the successful completion of the various units' skills.

    Essential Questions:

    Where am I? How do we find places on maps and globes? What is our community?

    • Town
    • State
    • Country
    • Continent
    • World

    What do maps and globes tell us?


    Essential Questions:

    How do the geography and climate of the U.S. influence how the people live?

    What do the people of the U.S. do to meet their needs (economy)?

    Students will be able to locate the U.S. on a map or globe.

    What beliefs, ideas, celebrations, traditions, and values make up the culture of the U.S.?

    How do the people of the U.S. govern themselves?

    Essential Questions:

    How do the geography and climate of Japan influence how the people of Japan live?

    What do the people of Japan do to meet their needs (economy)?

    What beliefs, ideas, celebrations, traditions, and values make up the culture of Japan?

    How do the people of Japan govern themselves?

    Essential Questions:

    How do the geography and climate of Egypt influence how the people live? 

    What do the people of Egypt do to meet their needs (economy)? 

    What beliefs, ideas, celebrations, traditions, and values make up the culture of Egypt? 

    How do the people of Egypt govern themselves?

    Essential Questions:

    How do the geography and climate of Australia influence how the poeple live?

    What do the people of Australia do to meet their needs (economy)?

    What beliefs, ideas, celebrations, traditions, and values make up the culture of Australia?

    How do the people of Australia govern themselves?