4th Grade Math
What are different ways to represent a number?
How can using number relationships help me solve addition and subtraction problems for two digit and three-digit numbers?
Unit 5: Landmarks and Large Numbers (Number and Operations - Number Sense and Place Value, Whole Numbers - Computation - Addition and Subtraction
A. Know & understand place value in our numerical system to hundred thousand.
B. Recognize and identify the place value of digits in large numbers.
C. Demonstrates, understands, and applies knowledge of patterns (multiples of 10) as related to place value.
D. Knows a variety of strategies to compute sums and differences to five digits.
E. Understanding the action of subtractions problems.
F. Students will gain flexibility in choosing strategies when solving addition and subtraction problems. (D)
G. Students will demonstate persistence while investigating multiple strategies. (D)
Essential Questions
Unit 1: Factors, Multiples & Arrays (Number & Operations - Whole Numbers - Computation -Multiplication)
A. Understanding an array model of multiplication
B. Reasoning about numbers and their factors
C. Recall multiplication combinations to 12 x 12
D. Students will gain flexibility in their understanding of the relationships between numbers and their factors. (D)
E. Students will demonstrate accuracy while working with numbers and their factors. (D)
Unit 3: Multiples Towers and Division Stories (Number & Operations, Whole Numbers - Computation, Multiplication & Division)
A. Understanding multiplication problems with 2-digit numbers.
B. Understanding and using the relationship between multiplication and division to solve division problems.
C. Knowing about numbers and their factors.
D. Understanding the meaning of multiplication and division.
E. Efficiently uses multiples and factors to find products and quotients of whole numbers.
F. Students will gain flexibility in choosing strategies when solving multiplication problems. (D)
How do I use customary and metric measurement in my daily life to measure length?
How can measurements be used to solve problems?
How can spatial relationships be described by careful use of geometric language?
How do geometric relationships help me solve problems?
Unit 4: Size, Shape and Symmetry (Geometry - Measurement, Distance)
A. Knowing when to measure with standard units
B. Describing and classifying 2-dimensional figures
C. Describing and measuring angles
D. Finding and understanding area
Unit 7: Moving Between Solids and Silhouettes . . . (Geometry)
A. Describe properties and attributes of geometric solids.
B. Effectively communicate through oral and written language. (D)
When and where do I use fractions and decimals in my daily life?
What are the different ways I can use fractions and decimals to represent the whole?
How do I relate fractions and decimals to the United States monetary system?
How are decimals and fractions related?
Unit 6: Fraction Cards and Decimal Squares (Number and Operations - Fractions and Decimals)
A. Understanding the meaning of fractions and decimal fractions
B. Comparing the values of fractions and decimal fractions
C. Using representations to add rational numbers
D. The ability to evaluate their own learning and reflect upon their growth. (D)
How does I use multiples and factors to find products and quotients?
What strategies can I use to multiply and divide by 2 digits?
Unit 8: How Many Packages and How Many Groups (Numbers & Operations - Multiplication and Division)
A. Understanding multiplication problems with 2-digit numbers
B. Understanding division as making groups of the divisor
C. Understanding and using the relationship between multiplication and division to solve division problems
D. Students will gain flexibility in choosing strategies when solving multiplication and division problems. (D)
How can I use probability to predict outcomes in problem solving?
How do I formulate questions and collect data to analyze information?
How can I use a chart and graph to represent data, draw conclusions and make predictions?
Unit 2: Describing the Shape of the Data (Probability and Analysis - Statistics)
A. Representing data
B. Describing, summarizing, and comparing data
C. Analyzing and interpreting data
D. Designing and carrying out a data investigation
E. Describing the probability of an event
F. Effectively communicate through oral and written language (D)
Unit 9: Penny Jars and Plant Growth (Algebra)
A. Understanding how to use graphs to represent change
B. Understanding how to use tables to represent change
C. Describing and representing a constant rate of change
D. Effectively communicate through oral and written language (D)