Ms. Hoxie

  • E-Mail:
    Phone:  228-436-5135
    Degree: Bachelor of Science in Education from Mississippi College
  • Art is Awesome

  • ART

  • Welcome to Art at Popp's Ferry!

      Our art room has beautiful Tiffany Blue walls, twinkling lights, and a fabulous crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling to inspire all students. I'm excited to share my passion of art with the students of Popp's Ferry Elementary! I can't wait to see the artwork produced this year by our little artists!

      Students will create works of art using many different media as well as learn about various artists and their styles.  Creative juices will flow as we listen to music while creating our masterpieces!  

    Popp's Ferry art students will participate in various art contests and student art shows throughout the year such as:  The Walter Anderson Museum of Art Student Show,The Mississippi Bar Law Day Art Contest,  The Shrimp Boat Contest, Art on Ice,  Mississippi Department of Marine Resources~ Children's Art in the Pass, MAAE Maybe Something Beautiful in Mississippi Mural Challenge, Mardi Gras Shoebox Float, and many more. Our young artists have also participated in the Peter Anderson Festival "Young at Art" in Ocean Springs, Ms.  We are fortunate to have had some awesome art guest speakers, such as Wendy Rodrigue (George Rodrigue~The Blue Dog) visit our art room. 

    Popp's Ferry art students created their own coloring book, "Color the Coast" and it has been named the Official Coloring Book of the Coast by Biloxi Mayor, Fofo Gillich.  The Coloring book can be purchased for $1 at the Biloxi Visitor Center, The Ohr Museum, The Walter Anderson Museum of Art, and the Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum. Donations go towards art supplies at Popp's Ferry Elementary.

    I'm looking forward to my 5th AWESOME year at Popp's Ferry!!


    Grading Rubric:

    4- Excellent- consistently displays evidence of mastering the skill/worked or performed at a consistently high level/participated the entire class

    3-Satisfactory- displays evidence that the skill is mastered most of the time/ worked or performed at a moderate level/participated most of the class

    2-Needs improvement-displays evidence that the skill is still being learned and practiced/worked or performed  at a low level/participated in some of the class

    1-Unsatisfactory-displays no evidence of learning or practicing the skill/ student did not work or perform at appropriate level/student did not listen or participate during class