Phone: 228-436-5135


Degrees and Certifications:

Elementary Education k-6 Pre-Kinder - Kindergarten Mathematics k-8 Social Studies k-12 Mild/Moderate Special Education k-12

Mrs. Ashley Alexander

Welcome to kindergarten!!!

Hello! My name is Ashley Alexander.  This is my ninth year as a kindergarten teacher at Popp's Ferry Elementary School.  I graduated from the University of Mississippi with a bachelor's degree in elementary education in 2015 and a master's degree in early childhood education in 2020.  Mrs. Grimison is our wonderful assistant teacher!  

I am so excited to watch all of my students learn and grow both academically and socially throughout the year. We are going to learn lots of new things and do tons of fun activities. I send home a red folder and planner daily. The planner is where I will circle their color for the day and write any comments I may have.  The red folder includes anything that needs to be returned to school, completed work, and much more.  Please make sure to check both of these nightly.  This is a great way to communicate because I check these daily.  Please feel free to call the school or email me anytime you have questions or concerns.

I am looking forward to all of the wonderful memories we are going to make this year!!!