School Information

  • If you are enrolling a student in grades Pre-school through 4th grade, placement into a specific school cannot be guaranteed. As we gather enrollment information, placement will be determined based on the physical address, transportation, classroom capacity etc. at each of our sites.

    If enrolling during the summer months, once Administrative staff at the building level return from summer break, they will be able to assess students/families that are leaving our district, and how that will impact placement into Pre-school through 4th-grade levels.

    Grade Levels

    Our school grade levels are aligned as follows:

    • Pre-School (ages 3 -6 depending on enrollment date)
    • Primary: Grades K-4
    • Intermediate: Grades 5-6
    • Middle School: Grades 7-8
    • High School: Grades 9-12

    Option Programs

    Enrollment into our option programs, Eagle Harbor High School, Odyssey Multiage, El Velero Spanish Immersion or Mosaic Home Partnership is determined through an application process separate from this enrollment application process.  If your student hopes to attend one of our option programs, please complete the enrollment application process first, then contact the school directly to obtain an application and/or information regarding their specific process.  Enrollment into our option programs is determined by space availability in the program. 


    If you have questions pertaining to Pre-School enrollment, you may contact our Pre-School coordinator at: or by phone: 206-780-3034

    *Non-Resident Families: If you live in another school district and would like your child to attend a school in BISD, you must follow the nonresident student enrollment process. For more information, please click the following link: Nonresident Information. Once you have received confirmation of acceptance into BISD, you may return to the Enrollment application module and complete the process.

