Back-to-School & Electronic Curfews
Research tells us that lack of sleep among our children has become a public health concern: 75% of teens do not get the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep. The lack of sleep can lead to higher levels of mental health problems, accidents, lower academic engagement and much more. So, how do we help our children and teens get more or better sleep?
The one screen time rule that can help promote better sleep habits is to have all personal devices out of all bedrooms when they go to sleep. This is often easier said then done, especially if your child is used to sleeping with their tablet or phone nearby. Having a conversation with your student might be one way to begin a change. Here are some discussion questions that might prove helpful.
1. How many hours of sleep do you think is optimal for you? (Research shows that children ages 6-12 should sleep 9-12 hours & teenagers 13-18 need 8-10 hours of sleep)
2. What time do you think would be a good time to take your personal devices out of the room? If they use their phone for an alarm clock you may need to provide a standard alarm clock.
3. Where might be a good spot to keep the devices at night?
The elementary students in grades 3-5th are currently learning about digital citizenship and the responsibility that come with online screen time. If you would like additional information and materials is a good resource. Students in upper elementary will be bringing home family activities in the next few weeks to help promote media balance and well being.
October 24, 2019 there will be a community movie night with the documentary Screenagers in the High School Library. This is open to all families and we hope to see you there. The start time is 6;00 p.m. and it is free of charge. For more information see We hope to see you there.