Putnam County R-I
Elementary School Counselor
Mrs. Diane McClain
801 S. 20th Street
Unionville, MO 63565
660-947-3361 ext. 329
What does a school counselor do?
* Personal/Social Development
* Classroom Guidance Instruction
* Individual & Small Group Counseling
* School Test Coordinator
* Career Development & Instruction
* Character Education Program
* Meet with Parents & Students
* Implement Bully Prevention Programs
* Conflict Resolution
* Coordinate Services with Local Agencies & School Based Social Worker
* Help children cope with stress, family crisis, divorce, death or serious illness
Why do we have an elementary counselor?
* Children are growing up in an ever-changing world with an increasing number of choices. Preventative services can be beneficial.
* Helping children become productive citizens, and feel a sense of self-worth and belonging.
* Assisting children to learn effective ways to deal with concerns, feelings and how to maintain healthy relationships.
Referral Process:
* Parents, Teachers, Principal & Students may refer to the counselor.
* Call, stop by or e-mail counselor to make a referral.
Parent Advisory Committee:
* Twice a year the Counselor-Parent Advisory Committee meets.
* Please let counselor know if you would like to be on the committee.
Mission Statement
"Creating opportunities through quality education. "