



    Full Return to School on April 12, 2021

    Mill Valley Middle School’s plan for the full return to school focuses on the health and safety of all staff and students, embeds social and emotional supports for all students, allows for community building opportunities, and continues to provide a quality education for all students. As we continue to navigate this year, our full return to school plan will focus on the following: 1) In-person learning; and 2) Health and safety measures while on campus.  In following the recommendations of the State of California, in partnership with Marin County Health and Human Services and the Marin County Office of Education, MVMS will provide five days of live instruction per week, with all students attending at once (A-Z). 


    As we transition to a full return to in-person learning, health and safety will be our top priority as we have created new procedures (i.e. breaks, restrooms, distancing, masks) that are spelled out in our policies, determined ways to limit exposure, allowed for cleaning, given teachers planning and collaboration time, and provided students with an educational plan that allows for robust live instruction daily. Additionally, the school will offer support services for all our EL students, supported classes, and special education.


    We look forward to having this schedule be in place for the remainder of the year and providing our students a more traditional ending to this memorable and unusual school year. We thank our teachers and staff for their incredible flexibility with each change experienced this year, while still creating a meaningful and relevant standards based learning experience for their students. We thank our MVMS parents and students as you have shown incredible support and flexibility as we continue to navigate this year which has been filled with the unique challenges of educating and being educated during a pandemic.


    Guide to a Full Return to In-Person Learning


    Third Trimester Daily Bell & Class Rotation Schedule