• Extended Support and Enrichment

    Social/Emotional support, and the education of the whole child is paramount at Mill Valley Middle School. We want to continue our programs of engaging and supporting students through extracurricular activities, enrichment, and support.  While this is an option for students, we want to ensure that all students have the opportunity to engage in extended learning, support, enrichment, social/emotional activities and clubs.  In addition to the 250 minutes of daily instructional minutes, student support and enrichment will be offered to all students following the regular school day. “Student Support and Enrichment”  is designed (including, but not limited) to offer students time to connect individually with their teachers, provide opportunities to engage socially and emotionally, rehearse in their music clubs (or courses), or participate in school clubs. Homework Help, regular clubs in general, space for students to complete any independent work, additional 1:1 teacher support, music, athletics, intramurals, etc. will be offered during this time. Additionally, Special Education and ELD teachers can also provide support for students on their caseload. 


    Social and Emotional Support

    We understand these are trying times and unique circumstances for all. While our teachers are working hard to deliver the best possible education to students, our counselors will continue to reachout to students and families who are in need of additional support.  Caring for one another, focusing on our social and emotional well-being, and taking opportunities for self-care is now more important than ever. Please know that counselors, administrators, and teachers are here to support students and families in any way. If students are struggling with academics, experiencing higher than normal stress,  feeling isolated from their friends, or are needing a space to talk, our counselors are readily available. Click here to be directed to our counseling resources webpage.

    Community Building

    Building relationships and coming together as a community is important under any circumstances, but now more than ever. In addition to providing a robust and academically rigorous education, social and emotional support, we remain committed to building community and further building our relationships with students and families. We will be exploring different ways to come together and build such relationships as we begin and transition into the new school year. We will be sure to utilize all the tools and resources available to us to continue to find ways to connect with one another (Panther Community Time), Zoom Assemblies, clubs, grade level sessions, Back to School Night, Parent Education Nights, Principal Chats, etc.) 


    MVMS Library 

    The library continues to offer resources for every subject area, through “regular” books, e-books, audiobooks, online encyclopedias and BrainPop. Students access resources through Destiny Discover, the MVMS Library homepage and/or the MVMS Library Google Classroom, where they can put books on hold to pick up at school and check out e-books. All students are expected to sign up for the library’s Google Classroom using their school email account. (Join code: ebpz64k) Click here for the MVMS Library homepage, which includes instructions on how students check out materials through Destiny Discover, along with login information for accessing online encyclopedias. The library’s Google Classroom offers students a place to request books, watch video booktalks with the teacher-librarian and ask for help finding something good to read. The MVMS library book club is a great way to connect with other students and teachers each week via Zoom. 



    • Sit at tables (small tables) with appropriate spacing
    • Classes will be appropriately spaced
    • Tables will be sprayed with Sani-Q after each use
    • Students checking out book after a booktalk in the library may pick up the book they want and check it out  - we will scan the book without touching it via plexiglass barrier


    Browsing for books

    • Students may enter the library to browse for books (1 student per class)
    • Students may also make an appointment to visit the library via email with Ms. Palmer
    • All students and staff in the library must remain 6 feet apart (where practicable)



    • Study Hall/TAs from other classes MUST sit at the larger tables at a minimum of three-feet away from each other 
    • Tables will be sprayed with Sani-Q after each use
    • Books requested through Destiny Discover will be checked out and placed on grade-level carts outside the library on the front porch 
    • Sign up for in-person or Zoom classes with Jonna on the library calendar as usual: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gnZOhXV4lTJOEB4kEGIsGBpgV8ZuvCBU_KQx79V0kpE/edit