- Mill Valley Middle School
- Overview
Hill, Chris
6th Grade Science
6th Grade Academic “BOOST” Workshop
MVMS Science Department Chair
KIDDO! Board Member Teacher Rep
PTSA Middle School Rep
Email: chill@mvschools.org
Phone: 415-389-7711 x2724
Sixth Grade INTEGRATED Science focuses on a variety of topics through demonstrations, activities, discussions, labs, walking field trips, projects etc.
TOPICS include scientific inquiry, controlled experiments, metric measurement, cells, body systems, oceans and atmosphere, climate change, heat and energy, and more!
California has adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and MVMS has implemented SAVVAS (formerly Pearson Elevate) as our new curriculum program. Students will receive consumable TEXTBOOKS throughout the year that will supplement our in-class lessons and concepts. Our program also includes utilizing resources and curriculum from Lawrence Hall of Science, Exploratorium, Marin Water and Golden Gates National Parks Conservancy/ One Tam. Note: there is a SAVVAS DIGITAL PLATFORM if live reading text is preferred.
This ACADEMIC WORKSHOP class has been created to “BOOST” students’ into Better Observation Organization Skills and Training. It is an elective class that guides students to become more effective learners and to feel more accomplished and confident in their own abilities and skills. There will be a variety of strategies presented in this class, including organization skills, time management ideas, listening and note taking strategies, checklist hints, study skills development, presentation skills, test preparation and more!
There are a variety of sources that will be used in this workshop class. Students will receive working documents to improve “Study Skills That Stick” (Scholastic), and will practice segments of the AVID Bridges to Success Program that will further develop self-regulation and confidence. There will be a specific “theme” or skill to focus on each week based on teacher feedback from this and other classes. Students will keep and organize a daily planner and practice planning and completing homework assignments. There will also be weekly teacher check-ins and support with developing skills to improve understanding of the curriculum and his/her own way of learning.