- Mill Valley School District
- Uniform Complaint Procedures & Williams Act
Bullying, Nondiscrimination & Harassment
The Mill Valley School District is committed to providing schools that are safe, compassionate, and understanding to all of our students. We take the safety of our students seriously and want to make sure that all issues regarding our students are addressed.
A number of incidents that take place in our schools do not meet the criteria of harassment, intimidation and bullying, but still need to be addressed. Most of the issues can be addressed by working with the classroom teacher and principal to resolve the incident. However, if parents feel the complaint is not handled in a professional and confidential manner at the school site, continues to occur, or feel uncomfortable discussing the issue at the school site, the District has policies and procedures in place to resolve the complaint in a formalized manner.
The following definitions may be helpful when addressing student safety concerns:
- Bullying: Bullying is defined as an aggressive or unwanted and unwelcomed behavior that is repeated over time. This is not a one-time incident.
- Harassment: Harassment is defined as continued unwanted actions aimed at a student or group based on a protected status such as race, sex, and disability.
- Intimidation: Intimidation is defined as the presence of fear-inspiring force.
We are confident that working together as a parent and school community we can address the needs of our students in a positive manner. The first step is to let the school know right away of any incidents or concerns that affect your child.
Mill Valley Board Policies
- Board Policy 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harrassment
- Administrative Regulation 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harrassment
- Board Policy 5131.2 Bullying
- Board Policy 5145.7 Sexual Harassment
- Administrative Regulation 5145.7 Sexual Harassment
- Board Policy 5145.9 Hate-Motivated Behavior
- MVSD Elementary Behavior Policy
- MVMS Bullying FAQs
- MVMS Anti-Bullying Graphics
For information about Title IX policies and procedures, please visit our webpage here.
Williams Act Complaints
There should be sufficient textbooks and instructional materials. That means each pupil, including English learners, must have a textbook or instructional materials, or both, to use in class and to take home.
School facilities must be clean, safe, and maintained in good repair.
There should be no teacher vacancies or misassignments. There should be a teacher assigned to each class and not a series of substitutes or other temporary teachers. The teacher should have the proper credential to teach the class, including the certification required to teach English learners if present.
Teacher vacancy means a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the year for an entire year or, if the position is for a one-semester course, a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of a semester for an entire semester.
Misassignment means the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position for which the employee does not hold a legally recognized certificate or credential or the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position that the employee is not otherwise authorized by statute to hold.
A form may be requested from the office of each school site or from the district office.
Complaint Procedures
The Governing Board recognizes that the district has the primary responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs.
The Board encourages early resolution of complaints whenever possible.
To resolve complaints which may require a more formal process, the Board adopts the uniform system of complaint processes specified in board policy and the accompanying administrative regulation linked below.
- Uniform Complaint Procedures BP 1312.3
- Uniform Complaint Procedures AR 1312.3
- Uniform Complaint Procedures Form
- Williams Complaint Procedures AR 1312.4
Uniform Complaint Procedure Contact Information:
- Superintendent
- communications@mvschools.org or (415) 389-7705.
- In your communication, please state Uniform Complaint in the subject line.