• Restorative Justice





    MVMS includes a Restorative Justice approach for handling school discipline.  MVMS  received training and guidance from Don Carney, YMCA Director of Restorative Services.  More information on Don can be found at http://marinyouthcourt.org/about-us.html and http://www.ymcasf.org/marin/what_we_offer/for_teens/civic_engagement.  Training around Restorative Justice was also received by the SEEDS Community Resolution Center.


    Restorative Justice IS

    Restorative Justice is an evidence-based, structured practice.  It focuses on righting a wrong committed, and repairing harm done.  Adult staff members, Peer Juries, and the harmer (student who broke the rule), meet to collectively discuss why a rule was broken, who was affected, and how the harmer can repair the harm caused.  Confidentiality is maintained at all times. 


    Restorative Justice IS NOT

    A permissive and neglectful approach to discipline that lets kids “off the hook”. 


    School Wide Benefits

    Restorative practices have shown to increase school attendance, decrease school disruption, and increase overall school test scores.  Additionally, students learn skills such as recognizing and managing emotions, establishing positive relationships, and handling challenging situations constructively and ethically.


    Students’ Role: Peer Jurors
    A select group of students are trained to be Peer Jurors.  They help students who have broken a school rule right their wrong.  As time goes on, additional students will join the jury pool. 


    Staff’s Role

    MVMS’s administrative team, Counseling team, and ten teacher leaders were intensively trained in Restorative Practices.  Additionally, the entire teaching staff participated in a general training Spring 2015. 



    For More information visit one of the following RJ organizations and websites:

    Safer Saner Schools http://www.safersanerschools.org

    Restorative Works Learning Network  https://restorativeworks.net/schools/

    International Institute for Restorative Practices 