Spring 2022

  • FAQs 

    (Click the link above for answers to questions from the Town Hall and other community meetings)


    The Hopkins County Board of Education has called upon the Local Planning Committee to reconvene with the purpose of amending the District’s Facility Plan.

    What is the purpose of the LPC?
    The LPC’s purpose is to amend and develop the district’s facility plan for what is best for all Hopkins County students. 

    Who is on the LPC?
    The LPC is comprised of 20 individuals representing the school communities within the Hopkins County school district. LPC members include school staff, parents, administrators, businesspeople and community representatives. Each of these LPC members will bring their insights and their community’s representation to the District Facility Plan. 

    What does the LPC do?
    The LPC will analyze information provided by district staff and community partners to include: district bonding capacity, district enrollment numbers and capacity, school building and facilities aging analysis, facility energy efficiencies and deficiencies, and federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) funding opportunities.

    The results of the LPC findings and analysis is an amended district facility plan to be presented to the Hopkins County Board of Education for their approval. This document is then sent to the Kentucky Department of Education and Kentucky Board of Education for their approval.

Guidelines for March 14 Town Hall

  • Hopkins County School Board of Education will hold a Town Hall meeting on Monday, March 14, at 5:30 p.m. at South Hopkins Middle School. The HCS Board would like answer questions and clarify any misconceptions regarding the amended District Facilities Plan. The community is invited to attend.

    The following guidelines have been established:

    • Community members in attendance at the Town Hall meeting agree to Hopkins County School’s civility policy. Copies of the civility policy will be available at the sign-in table. We expect behavior that reflects mutual respect, and we appreciate your assistance in this matter.
    • We are also respectful of everyone’s time. Therefore, we will do our best to keep this meeting to no more than one hour in length.
    • Each individual wishing to speak shall sign up on the appropriate sign-in sheet.  
    • Each speaker will be limited to one question for the Board.
    • When called, the individual speaker will come to the podium to ask their question.
    • All questions must be focused solely on the subject of the amended District Facilities Plan. Copies of the DFP will be available at the sign-in table.
    • For the sake of time, the moderator may determine a question or comment is repetitive or previously answered.

How Does the LPC Process Work?

  • In the video below, Mr. Pete Galloway, HCS Local Planning Commission facilitator, explains the LPC process as it pertains to amending the HCS District Facility Plan.

LPC Timeline

Draft of DFP

  • Draft District Facilities Plan

    This is the draft that was approved by the LPC on Feb. 10, 2022, and will go to the Board of Education for consideration on Feb. 15.

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

March 3 Public Hearing

  • The Hopkins County Board of Education and the Kentucky Board of Education have scheduled a local/state Board Public Hearing on the proposed Hopkins County District Facility Plan Amendment for March 3, 2022, at 5:30PM CST in the Hopkins County Career and Technology Center, 1775 Patriot Drive, Madisonville, Kentucky 42431. The District Facility Plan Amendment lists the pending capital construction and/or renovation projects that the school district may undertake. Copies of the proposed District Facility Plan are available for examination by interested individuals online at www.hopkins.kyschools.us/LPC2022 and at the Hopkins County Board of Education offices, 320 South Seminary Street, Madisonville, KY 42431, between 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM through March 3, 2022. Questions may be directed to Marty Cline, Assistant Superintendent, Hopkins County Schools, at (270) 825-6000. Those individuals wishing to comment on the proposed District Facility Plan may present oral or written comments at the Local / State Board public hearing.

    The local Board of Education, after due process, will forward the approved District Facility Plan to the Kentucky Department of Education for ultimate approval by the State Board of Education.

    The local State Board public hearing is being scheduled in accordance with KRS 157.620, and regulated by 702 KAR 1:001.

February 10 LPC Meeting & Public Forum

  • Hopkins County Schools Local Planning Committee will conduct a PUBLIC MEETING on February 10, 2022, at 5 p.m. CST at Hopkins County Career and Technology Center, 1775 Patriot Drive, Madisonville, Ky. 42431. This is part of a series of meetings and public forums to develop a District Facilities Plan for Hopkins County Schools.

    The meeting may be viewed on YouTube at the following link: https://youtu.be/IhpOEUHMg9A

    A Public Forum will be held immediately following the LPC meeting at approximately 6 p.m. for the general public to add comments or voice any concerns. Individuals who wish to participate may do so in person or join through the Zoom link below. Please note that virtual participants will be kept in the Zoom waiting room until the committee meeting ends. To view the meeting, go to the YouTube link above. The forum will begin at 6 p.m. at the earliest.

    Join Zoom Meeting/Public Forum: https://hopkins-kyschools-us.zoom.us/j/82779440406?pwd=VjNhb1hmU2tybWpYV2liVTh4SDhLdz09

    Meeting ID: 827 7944 0406
    Passcode: hopkins

    For additional information, contact Martin W. Cline Jr., Assistant Superintendent, Hopkins County Schools, 320 South Seminary Street, Madisonville, Ky. 42431 at 270-825-6000. The public is welcome and invited to this series of meetings and public forums.

February 3 LPC Meeting & Public Forum

  • The Hopkins County Schools Local Planning Committee has reconvened with the purpose of amending the District Facility Plan to best meet the needs of Hopkins County students.

    The LPC will meet Thursday, Feb. 3, at 5 p.m. at Hopkins County Career & Technology Center. With the potential for winter weather, the meeting and the public forum that follows will be available through a virtual platform.

    The meeting may be viewed on YouTube at the following link: https://youtu.be/aNFTz2OpSQ4.

    A Public Forum will be held immediately following the LPC meeting at approximately 6 p.m. Individuals who wish to participate may join through the Zoom link below. Please note that participants will be kept in the Zoom waiting room until the committee meeting ends. To view the meeting, go to the YouTube link above. The forum will begin at 6 p.m. at the earliest.

    Join Zoom Meeting/Public Forum: https://hopkins-kyschools-us.zoom.us/j/81692309166?pwd=SWRBRWZQYnRwYW1yYm5ZNXpUSjloUT09

    The next LPC meeting will be on Feb. 10 at 5 p.m. at the CTC. This meeting will be followed by a Public Forum at approximately 6 p.m.

Last Modified on November 2, 2022