Basic Employee Benefits

  • Anthem Health Insurance

    Delta Dental Insurance

    Vision Service Plan (VSP)

    Life Insurance

    Other Fringe Benefits

    • Sick, Personal, and Emergency Leave (Refer to Board Policy)
    • Workers Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, and Employee Liability Insurance
    • Retirement Plans

    Additional Insurance, Tax Shelters, Other Deductions

    • Available through payroll deduction
    • See Employee Benefits Office

    Cafeteria 125 Fringe Benefit Plan

    • Plan allows you to purchase additional health coverage with pretax dollars to reduce your taxable income
    • Deductions are changed ONLY at the beginning of the new plan year
    • Plan year begins April 1 and ends March 31
    • Both American Fidelity and AFLAC offer pretax benefit options for our employees. You will be notified when the agents are available to discuss these options with you. For changes to your policy, visit their website links above.

    Changes to Deduction

    • To change a payroll deduction, the change must be submitted to the Employee Benefits Office in writing by the 13th if the change is for the 30th payroll and by the 27th if the change is for the 15th payroll. ****EXCEPTIONS – Deferred Comp and premiums sheltered under the Cafeteria Plan

    Flexible Spending Account

    • Allows employee to have an account set up to help pay for unreimbursed medical expenses
    • Employee must indicate FSA amount on health insurance application as a new employee or during Open Enrollment