• Hoover Athletics: Freshmen 1st Meetings/Tryouts
    Sport Date Time Place Coach Coach's Email
    Baseball 6/13 2 pm Baseball Field Louis Mele lmele@gusd.net
    Basketball-B 6/8 10 am Main Gym Jack Van Patten jvanpatten@gusd.net
    Basketball-G 6/8 2 pm Main Gym TBA TBA
    CC & Track 6/12 4-6 pm Track Jack Sallakian jsallakian@gusd.net
    Football 6/12 3 pm Football Field Azad Herabidian aherabidian@gusd.net
    Softball 6/8 10 am Softball Field Deb Cohen dcohen@gusd.net
    Soccer-B TBA TBA Soccer Field TBA TBA
    Soccer-G 6/12 4 pm Soccer Field TBA TBA
    Tennis-B&G 6/13 4 pm Tennis courts Mher Ivynian mivynian@gusd.net
    Volleyball-B/G 6/12 3 pm Main Gym Araz Maleky amaleky@gusd.net
    Water Polo-B 6/8 10 am Pool TBA TBA
    Water Polo-G 6/8 10 am Pool Laura Lopez llopez@gmail.com
    Swim-B 6/8 10 am Pool Kevin Witt kwitt@gusd.net
    Swim-G 6/8 10 am Pool Laura Lopez llopez@gmail.com
    Wrestling-B/G 6/8 11 am Small Gym Mazhan Isaeian misaeian@gusd.net


    Requirements for Participation

    Information & Forms

    All students who wish to participate in any Hoover Athletics teams must first review and fill out the following documents (click on the link to access):

    Once you have reviewed, filled out, signed, and dated the Covid GUSD Parent/Student Checklist Agreement 2020-21Physical Form Part 1Physical Form Part 2, please upload the required materials to the Athletic Clearance site. The following link will contain directions on how to properly upload the documents: click here for directions.

    Once you have completed the Athletic Assumption of Risk Waiverplease submit a printed copy to your coach. 


    If you are unable to get your physical done prior to the tryouts, you must bring in the Tryout Waiver so that you may be able to participate in the tryouts. Once the tryout period is over, you must still get a physical and provide the previously mentioned forms to further participate in team activities. Failure to provide these documents will result in not being able to participate.