
Join Us For Open House

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Permit Information and Instructions

  • If Hoover is your assigned school of residence, you are automatically enrolled at Hoover. If Hoover is not your assigned school of residence, you must obtain a school permit from the Student Support Services office.  


    • If you live within GUSD boundaries: If you are a GUSD resident, and wish to attend a school other than your assigned school of residence, you must apply for an Intra-District Permit to attend Hoover.  
    • If you live outside GUSD boundaries: If you live outside GUSD attendance boundaries and wish to attend Hoover, you must get a district release from your district of residence and apply for an Inter-District permit.
    • Be sure to visit the GUSD permit site for more detailed information. Click here: GUSD Student Support Services Office/ Permits.



    Incoming 9th graders who were on a permit (Inter/Intra) at Toll do not have active enrollment with Hoover. You must re-apply for your permit. Applications open on March 1, 2023.


    If you are planning on attending Hoover for the 2023-2024 school year and are on a permit, please follow ALL the steps below:


    1. Apply for the Intra-District Permit (for those with a Glendale address) or Inter-District Permit (for those with an address outside of Glendale) on GUSD's permit website http://glendale.schoolmint.com/ and complete the application.
    2. Enroll at Hoover by completing the transfer form found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z-Ylq2-w3uYYnr-P_8V-n5j2Q7bzyusB/view?usp=sharing
    3. Please email the completed transfer form, a copy of a parent/guardian ID, and two proofs of residency to  HooverEnrollment@gusd.net 



    If you are in the FLAG program on an intra-district permit and plan on attending Hoover for the 2023-2024 school year, please complete steps 2-3 above. 


Early College Academy (ECA) Grades 10-12