
    Welcome to the Hoover High School
    Public Safety Academy (P.S.A.)
    PSA Badge
    Mission: The Public Safety Academy is a 3 year course that has been designed by the Advisory Board as a character-building program that will prepare the cadets for the challenges of becoming a teenager and a young adult.They will witness first-hand the experiences of a police officer, firefighters,and other related occupations and learn how they can make a difference. The goal of the academy is to have fun, learn discipline, motivation, and experience teamwork.

    The Hoover Public Safety Academy is a career education program that specializes in POLICE and FIRE
    curriculum as well as other Public Safety careers.
    There are 160 students currently in the PSA representing 3 levels: First Year, Advanced, and Senior. Levels are based on the number of years enrolled in PSA.

    Coordinator, Fire Instructor Captain Kristine Lowe

    Teacher, Hoover High School, and, Captain, Sierra Madre Fire Department




