Welcome to the Black Stallion Core page!
Students are encouraged to bring their own refillable water bottles to class each day.
First day of school: Wednesday August 16th
Banking days are on Mondays
We have a block schedule T, W, TH, and F of each week
Supplies for Hawker's class:
- composition book for English(lined 50-100 pages)
- one subject spiral notebook(lined 70-100 pages) for Social Studies.
- two pocket folder to keep worksheets and handouts.
- pencils,pens, highlighters, glue sticks, and colored pencils(also available in my class)
- charged chromebook each day
Donations accepted as well:
Box of tissue
Ream of copy paper
#2 pencils with erasers
Here is my contact info:
Room 1309
818-244-8414 ext 1309