Welcome to the ELA Homepage


    This page highlights the department-wide expectations and resources, which are aligned to the California State Standards for all English Language Arts (ELA) classes at Toll.



    We encourage all stakeholders to read and review the resources about standards from the California Department of Education.  Standards are available at this link: https://www.cde.ca.gov/

    Information about the California Assessment for Student Progress and Performance (CAASPP) is available at http://www.caaspp.org



    Please read, review, and regularly reference the Toll Middle School Titan Handbook.  Parents should check their children's Google Classrooms and check that their assignments are being completed before being turned in. The Titan Handbook details all school policies including attendance, dress code, and behavior expectations.  

    Specifically, all student work in English should contain a proper MLA Heading (i.e., Student's Full Name, Teacher's Last Name, Subject/Period, and Date in MLA format).  



    Tina Titan

    Mr. Twain

    English Period 1

    02 March 2020



    English Department: Questions & Answers Related to English Teaching 

    Writing Resource: MLA Format