Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at Toll Middle School

  • WELCOME to the Toll Middle School Parent Teacher Association (PTA)!

    The Toll Parent Teacher Student Association (PTA) is a non-profit organization that is chartered by the National PTA. Our parent volunteers are dedicated to supporting and enhancing the experience of both students and faculty through our various activities which include: operation of the Malt Shop, Red Ribbon Week, and the Reflections Art Program.

    The overall purpose of the PTA is to promote student success. This is encouraged through parent and community involvement that is designed to improve student learning, health, and well being. We aim to bring families closer together through educating parents about the challenges our students face during this phase of life.
    Become a member of Toll PTA!  Membership is only $10 and when you become a member you can tell others that you support your child's school!
    Newcomers are always welcome and can become involved in a variety of ways. Members are encouraged to attend Association meetings but attendance is NOT required.

Important Links


  • Please join us at Toll's next PTA Association Meeting

     Thursday, Nov 30 @ 7pm

    Toll Middle School - Room 1208

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