Gifted and Talented Education
How Are GATE Students Identified in GUSD?
Glendale Unified School District (GUSD) conducts universal screening for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) using the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test 3 (NNAT3). The NNAT3 test replaced the Otis Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) that was used in GUSD to identify GATE students before the 2021 - 2022 school year.
NNAT3 is a 30-minute timed test that is administered annually to 3rd graders in the spring. This computer-based test presents students with 48 problems within a time limit of 30 minutes and is administered in all 3rd grade classrooms in the district. The test does not require any prior preparation and the results will not impact your child’s grades. The NNAT3 is a nonverbal measure of general ability that yields a norm-based score that is based on the student's age. It is designed to assess ability without requiring the student to read, write, or speak.
Students who score at or above the 92nd percentile will be eligible for participation in GATE services and opportunies beginning in the 4th grade. Please note that the percentile rank is not to be confused with “percentage correct.”
Students identified as GATE in GUSD are not retested each year and retain their identification as long as they remain enrolled in GUSD, even as they progress in middle and high school.
What Are The Activities For Identified GATE students?
Your child will be receiving differentiated instruction as is appropriate in the classroom. Differentiated instruction is a teaching approach to meet students’ learning needs. All students have the same learning goal. However, the instruction varies based on students’ interests, preferences, and strengths. In addition, GUSD schools, including Toll offer additional GATE learning experiences outside of the regular classroom .
District Level Activities:
- Invention Convention: Students are invited to use their problem solving and creative thinking skills to invent new products or redesign current products. Students display their inventions at the annual Invention Convention at Glendale High School. Inventions are judged by a panel of community members, and winning awards are honored at a District ceremony.
- Middle School Spelling Bee: High-achieving students are invited to participate in the annual District Spelling Bee which is held at the District Administration Office.
- Math Field Day: High-achieving math students are invited to participate in math enrichment classes at Toll to prepare for the District wide Math Field Day competition. Identified students in 6th grade practice math skills including computation and problem solving to prepare for the District competition which is held each spring at Mark Keppel Elementary School.
- L.A. County of Education (LACOE) Math Field Day: LACOE’s Math Field Day is designed as an enrichment activity to promote mathematical reasoning, teamwork and a balanced mathematics curriculum for all students in upper elementary and middle school. Participation allows students to demonstrate their math knowledge through competition in the following elements: computational and procedural skill, conceptual understanding, and problem-solving. Student winners from our District Math Field Day are put in teams of four representing 4th through 8th grades. The middle school teams are comprised of top math students from each school. The students prepare for the event by working after school with their coaches on strategies and teamwork. Students compete in group and individual competitions. Winners are honored at an awards ceremony immediately following the event.
Site Level Activities:
- Invention Convention Classes: Identified GATE students are invited to participate in afterschool classes which help guide them through the development of their invention. Classes are held in the fall and led by Mr. Trinidad.
- Middle School Spelling Bee: Middle School students are invited to participate in classes to prepare for the annual GUSD Spelling Bee in the Spring. After-school, classes are held to prepare students and led by a Toll teacher.
- Math Field Day Classes: Identified high-achieving math students are invited to classes to prepare for the District Math Field Day Competition. Classes are held afterschool in the spring semester.
Are There Any Parent Meetings For Families Of GATE students?
GUSD holds two meetings each year for families of students who have been identified as meeting the District's GATE criteria. These meetings feature guest speakers who have expertise in topics related to the education of gifted and talented students.
Click Here to Visit GUSD's Gifted and Talented Department