Phone: 8287289531


Degrees and Certifications:

Associates Degree in Arts

Mrs. Pam Walker

Welcome to Baton everyone! My name is Mrs. Pam Walker. I am a teacher's assistant in First grade as well as the gym. I am a co-coach to the archery team with Coach Brittain and am one of the Baton Youth Ruritan Club Sponsors. I've been fortunate enough in my career to be part of the Baton Elementary family  for my entire 28 years. I've been married to the handsome Mr. Paul Walker for 32 years. We have been blessed with 2 children, Kaysea Moore and Phillip Walker, who have marvelous families of their own. We have 6 awesome grandkids. (Of course mine are. Who's aren't?) Blessed beyond measure all the way around!!! Oh, FYI- I have a 2 year Associate in Arts degree. 
 "Don't compromise your convictions for your convenience."- unknown