

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education Masters in Elementary Education

Mrs. Donna Smith

Hello! I just wanted to tell you a little about myself.  I am 47 years old and am originally from VA. I officially moved here in June 1998 when I got my first teaching job after graduating from Lenior Rhyne University. I knew at the age of 11 that I wanted to be a teacher.  This year will mark my 24th year as a teacher and having taught 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades.  Time flies when you're having fun!! I graduated from Appalachian State University with a Master of Arts in Elementary Education. I have 1 dog, a German Shepherd named Blitz and 2 cats named Max. They are very entertaining. I have an 14 year old daughter named Ava. She is always playing soccer, reading, and drawing! I also have a 12 year old daughter named Marin. She is the most laid back, yet fiesty, kid.  My husband is also a teacher.  He teaches PE in Alexander Co.  I am a HUGE Star Wars and Marvel fan.  My favorite sports are football & baseball (The Washington Redskins and The New York Yankees).  I love, drawing, photography, reading books, and hope to learn quilting from my mom.  I love, love, love music.  I have a very ecclectic taste.  I find each genre fascinating.  My favorite bands of all time are U2, The Avett Brothers, The Cure, INXS, and Tonic (Not to leave out Neil Diamond, Def Leppard, and Imagine Dragons).  My daughters and I have regular dance parties and always have music playing.  I just might have the next great drummer and singer living in my house (and my kids aren't half bad either....;))!

If you ever need me, let me know! I am very glad to have your children in my classroom!! I consider them all to be little blessings and "my babies".  Thank you for your patience and support this year!  My email address is

  • My Girls Future Voters Ava Marin

    Blitz Max


    My Gals