Welcome Parents, Guardians, and Students,
My name is Rebecca Dellinger, and I am one of four Visual Arts Teachers here at West. I have been with Cabarrus County Schools since 2012, serving as a teacher and coach. I graduated from UNC Charlotte in 2011, majoring in Art, concentration in Painting. I am also West Cabarrus' Leadership Teacher, Student Council Advisor, and Dream on 3 Faculty Advisor.
We will be using Remind and Clever for Classroom communication and announcements. We will also use Canvas for announcements, coursework submissions, as well as in class assessments and projects. Each student will be given a syllabus to place in their composition notebook/sketchbook. The syllabus will contain an overview of the Course Description, as well as Grading Policies and Procedures.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to follow along with their student in Canvas. Please click HERE to access instructions for setting up Canvas.
Fall Semester Schedule:
1st: Visual Arts Intermediate
2nd: Visual Arts Intermediate
3rd: Leadership
4th: Visual Arts Proficient/Advanced/AP Studio
Spring Semester Schedule:
1st: Visual Arts Intermediate
2nd: Visual Arts Intermediate
3rd: Leadership
4th: Visual Arts AP Studio