•  Reading Counts

    Reading is the key that will open the door to the rest of your child’s education. All students need to develop strong reading skills that they will use every day, in and out of school. That’s why we are excited to launch this year’s Reading Counts program here at our school. This computer based program allows students to take comprehension tests and earn points for books that they are reading. Second through fifth grade students will be encouraged to participate in this program as a part of their daily English Language Arts experience.

    Your child will be selecting books within their Lexile reading range to read. Once they have completed a book, they will take a computerized quiz that will assess whether your child completed and understood the book. Teachers will be able to track your student’s progress as they complete the quizzes on these books that they are reading independently. All of the books read should be within your child’s Lexile range. Students will be expected to read both fiction and non-fiction books. Teachers may also be reading aloud books in the classroom that the students can test on to help contribute to their points for the nine weeks. Each student will have a personal goal based on their reading ability and grade level.

    Although we will encourage your student to work hard towards their goal here at school, we need your help too! Discuss the books your child is reading. Read aloud after dinner. Talk about books you are reading. If you make reading a fun part of your daily life, your child is certain to succeed.

    Book Expert Online
    You can visit our home page or click on the icon above to find our Reading Counts Book Expert online link! This site will let you search for the title of a book to determine if we have a test for that specific book. This will be helpful when you are visiting the public library or trying to determine if a book has an available test.
    Thank you for your continued support as we strive to provide your child with a positive reading experience here at school.